Charlene Taylor D'Allessio 25 Morehouse Avenue Stratford, CT 06497 (203) 377-2968 Charlene Taylor hs been painting and illustrating in the field of science fiction and fantasy since 1970. A devoted STAR TREK fan, she began attending TREK conventions in 1971 and for seven years was well known for her STAR TREK-related artwork. She has been a regular attending artist to science fiction Worldcons and northeast regional science fiction conventions since 1973, doing art program presentations, exhibiting, and selling her artwork and prints. A graduate of Syracuse University School of Art, Charlene has a BFA in painting and an MA in Art Education and has taught art for 25 years. She often uses science fiction as a means of fostering creativity in her students. Also a computer artist, she works on her Macintosh using "Painter" software to create Planetscapes. In her Beacon Falls Laurel Ledge School artroom she has an extensive computer art program for students. Being an arctophile for many years, teddy bears became a favorite theme in Char's fantasy art and prints. (In 1983, she wrote and illustrated a children's book with a teddy bear/science fiction theme that is as yet unpublished). Other favorite themes in her work include Australian subjects enhanced with science or fantasy. Three trips to Australia (so far) and she still can't get enough of its unique and fascinating nature and endless possibilities for paintings. Other works for which Charlene has become known are her one- of-a-kind hand-painted space ties and, most recently, space miniatures on wood and stone. Another children's book is slowly taking shape. And she does take art commissions.